Nov 2, 2009

Burma news (see AU SCB's blog for regular Burma updates!)

November is here! Yay for the end of midterms! Boo for the start of finals prep/ final papers! At least the good news coming out of Burma will calm our college nerves.

Myanmar Rohingyas swap suppression for squalor
The refugee dilemma

Senior U.S. officials traveling to Burma
"The last senior U.S. official to travel to Burma, also known as Myanmar, was Madeleine Albright, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, in 1995," back when I was in kindergarten.

Karen Fear Military Offensive near Planned Dam
I was going to post "Suu Kyi Unhappy with Restrictions" but that seemed pretty obvious

Journalists, Volunteer Relief Workers Arrested in Rangoon
"Members of the independent relief group, Lin Lat Kyal, were among those arrested, allegedly for accepting relief donations from abroad."

For your personal enjoyment...

Yeah, I lied, no good news this week. But hey, I bet our problems don't look so big now!

Anne K Lynch

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